
Sleepdeprived Computer Techs started as a way to charge my friends and family for all the computer help they constantly seemed to need. They told their friends, and they told their friends, and soon I had an actual business on my hands.

About that time I achieved my Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer status and started my career in the industry. After working for several tech companies and honing my skills, my life was changed when my two daughters were born. Suddenly commuting and spending all that time away was not worth it. I realized it was time to move home.

The family had moved to Gabriola already, and as my wife was working as a Realtor at the Coast Realty office, it was natural for me to quit my day job and refocus on family and working from home. Sleepdeprived Computer Techs was reborn to offer Gabriola (and Nanaimo too!) my personal skill-set and perspective on computers, networks, and data safety.

I live to solve problems. From the mundane issues of how to make Windows work the way you want it to, to more complex problems like creating disaster recovery plans and backup strategies so your business can recover should the worst happen. Give me a call, I’d love to help you out.

I bring all the skills, knowledge and expertise that the big guys use to help you compete.

It’s what I do.

Want to read more? David’s Profile is right here.